Monday, July 28, 2008

JJ's home!

He came home at about 5pm. It's so good to have all my kiddos back in one house! He'll leave again on the 8th and come back again right before school starts. THEN he will be home all the time except when he goes with Darryll every other weekend.

Scott's working as usual. I have been tormenting him all day. I know I am going to pay dearly when he gets home *haha*

Nothing planned tomorrow except I am making homemade chicken enchiladas, refried beans and rice. I have to make it early enough, as Scott is supposed to leave for school by 5:30pm.

I decided to get *our* forum up and running finally. We created it in March 2007, then we had all those problems in our marriage. Of course it's not going to take away from my JM time. And I am not taking members away from JM, as my forum is specifically for members and family/friends of public safety. JM is a parenting forum. I barely even touch on the parenting aspect in ours. Here is the link if you want to check it out:

So nothing else going on now. Probably going to go to bed soon.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Boring Sunday

Not a lot going on. Scott's still sleeping (self-inflicted by staying up sooooo late playing his game), Marissa is on the kitchen computer and Cody is watching Noggin. JJ comes home tomorrow. Yayyyyy!

I would go wake Scott up just to be a bia except I know what he would want to do and frankly I wanted to last night. I was sending him text messages to go get in the shower and stuff but he just played that effing game!

We still need to FINISH grocery shopping.

Also another thing that irritated me about last night was while I was waiting for Scott...the higher up channels of our digital cable went out while I was watching a movie on IFC. Grrrr! I called the cable company and they said they HAD outages but they were fixed. Uhhh NO THEY WEREN'T! NOW it's back on.

So that's what's going on in the Freeman household today.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

4am and I can't sleep

I got soooo much on my mind right now. Just random things. But I still can't sleep.

We gotta go over to t-mobile. My SIM card went bad. After the first phone call to them, they told me a tower was down and that is what was causing problems for me. But then Scott told me he was still able to use his phone and Marissa had been receiving texts and phone calls all day. Soooo I called them back and they had me change out the SIM cards with Marissa's phone. My phone rang with HER card in but her phone didn't ring with mine in.

Jonathan is coming home on Monday. First his father called to ask if he could keep him another week. But then later JJ called me and said he was missing us too much and wanted to come home. That's fine with me, I miss him!

So I don't know why I can't sleep. I did some stuff on myspace, on our wedding site....which is now listed in the right column if you want to take a look ;) and I looked on JM but no one is really on right now.

I should be asleep, I don't usually stay up THIS late anymore. Ughh I am going to be sooooo tired! And not only do we have to get over to t-mobile, we gotta go grocery shopping and then Scott is meeting one of the guys in his class to study for a quiz on Sunday.

I'm going to go watch some Nick @ Nite and hope that I fall asleep soon.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Things are taking shape for the vow renewal!

OMG I asked our friend Sue if she would stand up there with me along with Marissa. And she said yes!! I am sooooo excited!

Here is what I wrote her:
Here goes....

Scott & I plan on renewing our vows on our 10th wedding anniversary in 2010. I know it's a while away but I was wondering if you could stand up there with Marissa for me? You have been there for the both of us through all the BS and everything last year and never once did you try to push me one way or the other. You were our biggest cheerleader.

Don't mention what I asked you to Scott yet, I'll tell him, though you can tell him I told you we're renewing them. He is soooo involved in the planning with me! We decided just a coupld of weeks ago, as things in our marriage are WAY better. Besides the obscene amount of time he spends playing his game, I have NO complaints right now.

So that is what I was going to talk to you about.

And her reply back:
Awww, Holly, I'm so happy for you guys! Of course I will stand up with Marissa. Can we have pom-poms?

I know I stood by the both of you. I had to, both of you are good friends of mine. I just knew you two would work your problems out if you had no negative influence. (and I know you both have negative influence)

To be a part of renewing your vows would be an honor. Thank you for thinking of me. I really never thought that I would have such an impact on your lives. Really, it would be an honor. Of course I will!

OMG OMG OMG I'm soooo excited!

Kitty Scare

So last night Munchie, our 3 year old tortie got out. I have never been so scared about the cats as I was last night. She's small, a dwarf cat. Healthy but small. Which makes it seem she is more frail than the other kitties. She had never really been outside. So when we realized she was missing, I freaked!

Marissa found her about noon today. Sleep was restless so that's why I slept in THAT late. She woke me up telling me she found somebody. I grabbed Munchie and covered her in kisses and hugged her. Then she went and ate.

I hope she never gets out again! The only thing I can figure is all the calling we did she was just so scared she was hiding.

But she's found!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


OK so I have been making fun of Scott today. He ran into someone neither one of us like too much. We are friends with her sister. So he texts me and tells me and I in turn text Sherry to tell her. So she calls me and while I am talking to her, Scott sends me another saying she gave him a stinky sweaty hug, that she blindsided him and asked how the kids were doing. So I in turn text him back telling him I know he is in love with her and if he wants to leave me for her, he's more than welcome to. His response? "F U!" HAHA!
I don't usually make fun of people. I hate to do it. But you gotta know this girl to know why I do it. She DOES stink. We have ALL said stuff about her hygiene. Nicely. But she just doesn't get it. She's also annoying as hell. She used to call me like 10 times a day for NOTHING!

So we went to the zoo yesterday. I will post the pics on here prolly tomorrow for those who didn't see it on the boards.

Hmm what else?

Not a lot else is going on.

Oh yeaaaa I am now guest hosting the Married Life board till Amanda gets back on Friday. I am HONORED she asked me! I am trying to do a good job and not let her down. The ladies on that board are awesome so when she asked me, I jumped on the chance to do it! Of course I won't do as good of a job in such a short amount of time as she does. But I will do my best to keep the board going.

OK I am going to get in the shower and veg out a little.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Boring Saturday

So I am completely bored. I've been posting a lot on JM but not a lot of people are on and there is only so many topics I personally can post. Sooooo I'm just going to have to wait.

Scott is working today. He sent me this via phone:

This picture is amazing. The person driving turned a corner too fast near a light pole. Of course it wasn't Scott, as the person got fired. But OMG it's amazing no one was hurt.

OK I am going to go.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Been On The Go

We've been up since 830am. For us that is EARLY! I am not used to getting up till somewhere between 10am and noon. Gotta love kids who sleep in!

So we went and got fuel, went and got breakfast, went to Scott's work, went to the bank, Books A Million, to the IL's to pick the kiddos up earlier, Walmart, Meijer and home. At 230pm. Scott had to be to work at 3. Yikes!

So Scott is working 3pm-11pm tonight. I am ordering pizza I think. Chinese sounded good but nothing jumped out at me on the menu. Plus Scott & Cody won't eat it and since Scott wanted pizza when he gets home from work, I will just order from there. And not incur TWO delivery charges. I think I'll order the Pizza Mia's for Scott and the kiddos and chicken wings for me.

Tomorrow Scott works his normal 24 hours. I will be home with Cody & Marissa.

Sunday we are going to FINALLY clean the yard. I got trash bags for the rest of the leaves. Then I got a couple of things I need to plant.

Monday we are taking the kiddos to the Toledo Zoo. Pictures will follow. I just cleared out my phone to make room for plenty more. Plus Scott will have his phone and so will Marissa. Gotta love all 3 of us having camera phones.

What else????

Hmmm I can't think of anything really. Just been staying out of trouble LMAO!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I am completely bored. I know there is stuff I can get done around the house but I have NO motivation.

I woke up today feeling hungover. Funny thing is we were NOT drinking. But I had a pounding headache waking up. I am thinking I need to start wearing my glasses more often than I do. Ahh well.

Apparently the kiddos are coming home tomorrow. Well the 2 that are at my IL's. My MIL has plans this weekend and doesn't want to leave my FIL with them. I mean my FIL is great with the kiddos but he's a little older and set in his ways. And he doesn't like to be tied down to anything. If he decides he wants to go over to Scott's brothers house or something, he just wants to get in the car and go. It sort of puts a hamper on our plans for Sunday but they will be going back either Mon or Tues so we can do it next week. No biggy.

Scott and I talked some more about the vow renewal. I was looking at some dresses online. We agreed the base color would be white buuuuut I can have a dress with a little color or design.

We are going to talk to the higher-ups about having it out of the station Scott works at. It's big enough, even with the ambulances in there. We are hoping to keep the guest list down to 50-75 people total. Just IMMEDIATE family (no 2nds, 3rd, 4th cousins, etc.) but that really only applies to my family. At the family reunion every year there is easily over 100 people there. I don't want this getting out of hand. But if I invite ONE extended family member...I gotta invite them all. And then we will have CLOSE friends (no one we casually know) and most of the people Scott works with. I figured any crews on duty can come and have some food. It's the least we can do!

IF we can't have it at the station, then we are going to see about at the south station and maybe a tent rental. Well that's Scott's idea. I think a tent will be WAY too expensive. Because whether we do it at the station or in a tent, we gotta think about chair and table rentals too.

The last option is a local fire hall. That would still incorporate the EMS theme in this.

Food is going to be mainly Mexican. Chicken mole` (pronounced mole-lay), beans, rice, salsa, tortillas, taco salad, etc. For anyone who doesn't like Mexican food, there will be a meat and cheese platter, relish tray, different breads, potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, chips, etc.

We will have a cake though I don't want a huge expensive one.

For dessets we will prolly have cookies, brownies, etc.

We are still up in the air about alcohol. On one hand we want it. But on the other we know how stupid people get. We know we will have an assortment of sodas, juice, water, etc. IF we have alcohol, it will prolly be mainly beer. If anyone wants anything else, they can bring their own or something. I dunno. We can prolly get 2-3 kegs of beer.

We will do all the things we missed out on doing at our actual wedding...cutting of the cake, bouquet toss, garter toss, etc. This is a way to renew our love for each other and also let everyone celebrate with us the way they never got the chance to do with our first wedding.

I am also not requiring people to give us gifts or money. That will be totally optional. Though a lot of family said if they had known we were getting married, they would have given us a gift. I am thinking of doing a SMALL registry at Walmart. Just for some little household stuff. Maybe maximum things will cost is like $25.00. Scott suggested we put on any invites or anything gifts are not required. But then to me that seems like we are saying they have to bring a gift, just for putting that on there. I dunno.

We also want to have personalized favors. Actually thinking about seeing if we can put our names, our original wedding date and our vow renewal date. We'll see.

So that is what I have come up with so far.

What do you think?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We have a date!

For years we have brought up the idea for our vow renewal since we didn't have much of a first wedding. And Scott's parents felt cheated because we weren't talking to them at the time so in turn Scott didn't invite them.


Save the date of July 3, 2010! That is perfect because not only is it our 10th anniversary but it's also a Saturday.

We want to have it at the station Scott works out of. So sometime soon we are going to go talk to the higher-ups.

As things come together, I will post stuff like clothes, invitations, favors, etc. You'll get sick of hearing about the vow renewal!

I am soooooo excited!

Wednesday Ramblings

OK so I am alone till tomorrow morning. Most people would welcome the quiet but I am finding it eerily disturbing. I even have the TV on for background noise. Not watching, just listening.

I am making my dinner right now. Since it's just me, I am having beef flavored rice and red beans in it. I am the only one who likes it so it's a welcome change for me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I didn't think I would miss the kiddos THIS much! I am going crazy with the quiet. I haven't heard from my MIL today, which is a good sign. I figured she would be calling about SOMETHING to do with Cody.

We are trying to come up with something fun to do on Sunday OUTSIDE THE HOUSE that doesn't require too much money. We are thinking about going to Maumee Bay State Park to watch the sunset and have a little picnic on the beach. Nothing like a Key West sunset but beautiful nonetheless. We wanted to go to the drive-in but on one screen is absolutely nothing either of us want to see...on the other is Wall-E and we want to take the kiddos to see that.

OK well I am going to get going. Got some stuff to do.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Grrrr Men!

So it's almost 1pm and Scott STILL isn't home from work yet. And we were supposed to run errands and me get over to Applebee's to fill out the application. i guess we are going to have to 86 that for today. My MIL should be here any time to get the kiddos.
I mean, I can understand him not getting much sleep at the station. I really do. But a lot of times he comes home and goes to bed. That's a lot better than not coming home at all. I called the station and they told me he's still there but they aren't going to wake him up. Gahhhh!

So that about sums up my day so far.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Been a couple days

Sorry I know it's been a couple of days.

Scott is working today. Jonathan left Friday to go to his bio father's house on Friday. Tomorrow Marissa & Cody are leaving to go to my IL's for a week or 2. She can guarantee a week, not sure about the 2nd as my FIL is always non-committal about making decisions. Oh well. Even if a week is what happens, it will be nice. And we are going over there sometime this week to have dinner with the kiddos and my IL's, prolly Thursday. So it's not like we are sending them and forgetting about them.

Let's see...what else...ok so our cell phones are off for the moment. No biggy. We had to make some decisions about bills and the cells were not necessary. And we still have the house phone. But my sister is now complaining since she is travelling she had my cell in her 5 faves...and has burned through her plan minutes for the month already. How is that my problem?? We will have our cells back this Friday so she is just going to have to wait until then. Duhhh.
Let me explain too, we don't have a contract. We use t-mobile and we have flexpay. If it's just not paid by the due date, they suspend service and you use flex-pay minutes. But that counts to talk to ANYONE. We have money on flex pay but we like to only use that for Scott to communicate with me while he is working.

I am still looking for a job. We had a bunch of other things to do Friday so I never made it to Applebee's. I promised Scott I would get over there tomorrow (Monday). That would be perfect! Only half a mile down the road so on days Scott works, I can walk. Marissa watches the boys if needed and we got a BUNCH of neighbors who look out for each other's kids. I even help our next door neighbor with his boys at times. They can watch themselves but he likes knowing the neighbors are there too. This is a pretty tight-knit neighborhood. I love it!

Not much else is going on. Just going to get some cleaning, laundry done and pack the kiddos. Pretty boring day really.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Nothing exciting going on. We had a bunch of running around to do earlier and didn't get done with it till about 5:00. I made dinner. We had mac n cheese mixed with ground beef and some spices. My family loves it. I can take it or leave it.

Tomorrow we are going to finally get out in the yard and get it cleaned. I think if we devote just 1 hour, we can get it all done. We will see.

Scott works on Sunday so Marissa, CJ and I will just be sitting at home. Not much else to do. Blahhh. Plus Scott has class on Sunday from noon to 6.

My sister is driving me crazy again since she left my mom's house. She called me about 5 times today. Grrrr!

So besides for some housework, JM time and some other's going to be a booooring weekend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

When will it ever get done??

My yard is in need of TLC. BAD! Unfortunately this rain keeps preventing it. For the last couple of hours the sky kept getting darker, looking like it was going to rain. Now it's opened up. We still have leaves that need to be raked but we are not going to bag them up soaking wet. Grrrrrr!
I like to wait till late afternoon/early evening. The Ohio summers are not nice! VERY hot and humid.

I am sitting here looking at my cat Spike. He is sitting on the arm of the recliner just looking at me. He is a total mama's boy. He ALWAYS has to be laying on me. It's funny because when Louie came over this morning, he walked in (as he normally does) and he had to laugh because Spike was laying on my chest.

I haven't heard from Scott yet today. Either they are running his butt off at work or he's getting some needed sleep. Let's just say he only got about 2 hours of sleep before he had to get up for work. He was tangled up in the sheets with me so to speak He can't complain though because I told him to go to bed.

I have done 2 loads of laundry today. I only got 1 more to do. Woohoo! My biggest pet peeve is dirty laundry. I HATE it piling up. Of course I am the only one who does it. Ahh well.

OK going to go so I can play on JM some more and then I am going to watch a movie with the kiddos after their baths are done.

Oh and at the moment the rain is POURING down. But no thunder or lightning.


I WAS supposed to have a job interview today but decided to cancel it and not persue this job. I did some more research on this company and realized I would actually be scamming people out of their hard earned money by selling them benefits they DON'T need. I can't in good conscience do that. I discussed it with Scott and also my best friend Louie. They both totally agreed with me. While I need a job, this is something I KNOW I can't do. I am not a natural born salesperson. There are people who can sell anything to anyone. I am not like that.

So back to square one. Though Scott is going to TRY to get me in with his company again in dispatch. When I applied before, the owner's son was supervisor and he doesn't like Scott. Now someone else is supervisor since the owner's son is in a new position in the company. We will see. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Scott is working today. His normal 24 hours. I miss him so much when he's gone. But he will be home in the morning and then we have errands to run most of the day including grocery shopping, paying rent, etc.

Louie came over this morning to talk to me. He asked me if I could watch his daughter on Mondays when he has fire drill. He already talked to his wife and she's fine with it. On days when Scott is working, since he doesn't live too close to us, I of course can bring the kiddos with me. He will leave some money so I can take all the kids up the street to the ice cream place. That's very sweet. We were also talking about other things. It's nice to get some adult interaction and conversations. We always have something to talk about.

I can't believe my sister has such a problem with me being friends with guys. I mean come on. I love Louie like a brother and I don't think that is a line we will ever cross. The only thing he has said to me is he is surprised WE didn't date when we went to church together as teenagers. But he dated all of my friends lol. And a cousin of mine.

So anyhoo, the kids are making me crazy still. Jonathan leaves tomorrow with his bio dad for a few more weeks. Sometime soon my MIL is taking Marissa & Cody for a while. Scott & I will have the house to ourselves. We plan on getting together with some friends during the time too. Louie and his wife want to have us over since they just bought a new house and moved in 2 weeks ago. Holly & Doug want to get together again for dinner. I'll miss the kids but I know they all will be safe so I'm not going to worry. I don't just send my kids anywhere.

I'm going to go for now. I'll post more later.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Boring Wed

I don't have too much to post today. Scott has class here in a little while. So dinner is being made. I HAD planned on making homemade shredded beef...but my alarm never went off so I didn't get it in the crock pot in enough time. I know, bad to do. So we are having hot dogs & mac n cheese. My kids LOVE it!

Scott is taking Anatomy & Physiology refresher course so he can start medic school in September. He passed it last year but since it has to be taken and passed in less than a year before you start medic he is doing it again.

The kids have been making me crazy today. Especially the older 2. Nonstop fighting and bickering. And over stupid little things. I HAD planned on us getting out in the yard to clean it up..but with all the heavy rain yesterday and last night...I had to 86 that idea for today. Hopefully tomorrow because our yard needs cleaned up BAD!

I am trying to find a job. I got an interview tomorrow but I don't think I am taking this job. I would have to obtain an insurance license which would be no problem but I am not a very good salesperson. I don't like to be pushy. I am going to apply at Applebee's. The waiter there last night said they are hiring. I also have an interview coming up later this month. We shall see.

OK I am going to get going for now. Not much else to say.

Welcome! An Intro....

Welcome to this blog! let me start out by saying my name is Holly. I am 29 years old. I am married to Scott. He is 34 and an EMT with a local ambulance company. I am mom to Marissa (12), Jonathan (10) & Cody (5). We reside in a suburb of Toledo, Ohio. Scott has lived here all his life while I have gone between here & Florida during my childhood and teenage years.

I will be taking you through the daily life of my family. Sometimes it will be boring. Sometimes funny. It just depends on what I have to say. Sometimes I may ramble, as I have the tendency to do.

I hope you enjoy what you read!