Thursday, July 10, 2008


I WAS supposed to have a job interview today but decided to cancel it and not persue this job. I did some more research on this company and realized I would actually be scamming people out of their hard earned money by selling them benefits they DON'T need. I can't in good conscience do that. I discussed it with Scott and also my best friend Louie. They both totally agreed with me. While I need a job, this is something I KNOW I can't do. I am not a natural born salesperson. There are people who can sell anything to anyone. I am not like that.

So back to square one. Though Scott is going to TRY to get me in with his company again in dispatch. When I applied before, the owner's son was supervisor and he doesn't like Scott. Now someone else is supervisor since the owner's son is in a new position in the company. We will see. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Scott is working today. His normal 24 hours. I miss him so much when he's gone. But he will be home in the morning and then we have errands to run most of the day including grocery shopping, paying rent, etc.

Louie came over this morning to talk to me. He asked me if I could watch his daughter on Mondays when he has fire drill. He already talked to his wife and she's fine with it. On days when Scott is working, since he doesn't live too close to us, I of course can bring the kiddos with me. He will leave some money so I can take all the kids up the street to the ice cream place. That's very sweet. We were also talking about other things. It's nice to get some adult interaction and conversations. We always have something to talk about.

I can't believe my sister has such a problem with me being friends with guys. I mean come on. I love Louie like a brother and I don't think that is a line we will ever cross. The only thing he has said to me is he is surprised WE didn't date when we went to church together as teenagers. But he dated all of my friends lol. And a cousin of mine.

So anyhoo, the kids are making me crazy still. Jonathan leaves tomorrow with his bio dad for a few more weeks. Sometime soon my MIL is taking Marissa & Cody for a while. Scott & I will have the house to ourselves. We plan on getting together with some friends during the time too. Louie and his wife want to have us over since they just bought a new house and moved in 2 weeks ago. Holly & Doug want to get together again for dinner. I'll miss the kids but I know they all will be safe so I'm not going to worry. I don't just send my kids anywhere.

I'm going to go for now. I'll post more later.

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