Friday, July 11, 2008


Nothing exciting going on. We had a bunch of running around to do earlier and didn't get done with it till about 5:00. I made dinner. We had mac n cheese mixed with ground beef and some spices. My family loves it. I can take it or leave it.

Tomorrow we are going to finally get out in the yard and get it cleaned. I think if we devote just 1 hour, we can get it all done. We will see.

Scott works on Sunday so Marissa, CJ and I will just be sitting at home. Not much else to do. Blahhh. Plus Scott has class on Sunday from noon to 6.

My sister is driving me crazy again since she left my mom's house. She called me about 5 times today. Grrrr!

So besides for some housework, JM time and some other's going to be a booooring weekend.

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