Sunday, July 13, 2008

Been a couple days

Sorry I know it's been a couple of days.

Scott is working today. Jonathan left Friday to go to his bio father's house on Friday. Tomorrow Marissa & Cody are leaving to go to my IL's for a week or 2. She can guarantee a week, not sure about the 2nd as my FIL is always non-committal about making decisions. Oh well. Even if a week is what happens, it will be nice. And we are going over there sometime this week to have dinner with the kiddos and my IL's, prolly Thursday. So it's not like we are sending them and forgetting about them.

Let's see...what else...ok so our cell phones are off for the moment. No biggy. We had to make some decisions about bills and the cells were not necessary. And we still have the house phone. But my sister is now complaining since she is travelling she had my cell in her 5 faves...and has burned through her plan minutes for the month already. How is that my problem?? We will have our cells back this Friday so she is just going to have to wait until then. Duhhh.
Let me explain too, we don't have a contract. We use t-mobile and we have flexpay. If it's just not paid by the due date, they suspend service and you use flex-pay minutes. But that counts to talk to ANYONE. We have money on flex pay but we like to only use that for Scott to communicate with me while he is working.

I am still looking for a job. We had a bunch of other things to do Friday so I never made it to Applebee's. I promised Scott I would get over there tomorrow (Monday). That would be perfect! Only half a mile down the road so on days Scott works, I can walk. Marissa watches the boys if needed and we got a BUNCH of neighbors who look out for each other's kids. I even help our next door neighbor with his boys at times. They can watch themselves but he likes knowing the neighbors are there too. This is a pretty tight-knit neighborhood. I love it!

Not much else is going on. Just going to get some cleaning, laundry done and pack the kiddos. Pretty boring day really.

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