Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Boring Wed

I don't have too much to post today. Scott has class here in a little while. So dinner is being made. I HAD planned on making homemade shredded beef...but my alarm never went off so I didn't get it in the crock pot in enough time. I know, bad to do. So we are having hot dogs & mac n cheese. My kids LOVE it!

Scott is taking Anatomy & Physiology refresher course so he can start medic school in September. He passed it last year but since it has to be taken and passed in less than a year before you start medic he is doing it again.

The kids have been making me crazy today. Especially the older 2. Nonstop fighting and bickering. And over stupid little things. I HAD planned on us getting out in the yard to clean it up..but with all the heavy rain yesterday and last night...I had to 86 that idea for today. Hopefully tomorrow because our yard needs cleaned up BAD!

I am trying to find a job. I got an interview tomorrow but I don't think I am taking this job. I would have to obtain an insurance license which would be no problem but I am not a very good salesperson. I don't like to be pushy. I am going to apply at Applebee's. The waiter there last night said they are hiring. I also have an interview coming up later this month. We shall see.

OK I am going to get going for now. Not much else to say.

1 comment:

Emma said...

I look forward to reading more about your family!!!

:) Emma

(mummy to gaby)